Claudia's Cookbook - Saskatoon Pie 21I am finally starting to feel a little better. As I mentioned in my last post, I have been struggling with a nasty head cold. This past weekend, I was to the point where I couldn’t take being in the house any longer. So, I went on a bit of a baking/cooking tangent. I now have enough blog material for a month! Yeah, I’m not Type-A at all.

Claudia and I finally reunited in the kitchen. It was a glorious moment, filled with her making passive aggressive self-talk comments while rolling out the Saskatoon Pie dough (i.e: “way to go Claud, that wasn’t the right size at all!”) to her comments towards me on walking into her home looking all “professional photographer” because I brought my tripod. Yep, it was a good ol’ mother-daughter time indeed! I actually had a lot of fun…and an eye-opening experience as to where I get my own negative self-talk from – ha!

So, this pie is simply amazing. I actually took it to my friend Nicole’s for dinner the evening after we baked it and both her and her sons loved it. You can’t get a more honest review than from children under the age of 10. The Saskatoon Berries are sweet with a hint of tartness, and the crust is flaky and delightful. With Saskatoon’s in season, you cannot go wrong with this pie. If you don’t have access to Saskatoon Berries, you can easily use blueberries.
